Become an Upstander

Check out some upstander resources to give you the confidence you need to start your journey to become an inspiring voice for positive change.

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 Upstander Updates

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let me help you in your upstander journey

Here are stories, insights, and some of my thoughts that you can use as a guide on your journey to become an Upstander and changemaker.

Downloadable Resources + Worksheets

Here are some downloadable resources to help youas you continue your journey to become an Upstander:

A guide to Mindful Living

By Jessica Hickman

Download file

Click Here
My Podcast
let's talk about your story

Connect with me now and send me more information about yourself and why you feel you are a great fit for the show.

The guest list is curated very carefully and with just one guest episode per week.

Become an Upstander
Episode 1
Healthy Habits with Martin Silva
Become an Upstander
Episode 2
A smile can change a life with Adam Farmer
more about me and my business

My business, Bullyology, has been featured while I have been quoted in several publications:

I was quoted in
Marie Claire

April 2021

upstander journey resources
I was quoted in
In the Black Magazine

December 2020

upstander journey resources
I was featured in
Dynamic Business

February 2020

upstander journey resources
I was featured in
Team Women Australia

August 2019

upstander journey resources

Bullyology was featured in Women in Construction UK Magazine

June 2019

This is what our previous attendees had to say