
20 Lessons Learnt in 2020

20 lessons learnt in 2020
For many, the year started with varying levels of anxiety from different events that happened in 2020. From bush fires, drought, global pandemic, loss of loved ones, fighting for equality (e.g. Black Lives Matter), job loss, lack of security, to presidential elections – the list goes on. 

Indeed, the past year has been full of complexities and changes. Yet, despite the challenges we faced, there are some valuable lessons the year taught us. With this in mind, I would like to share the 20 lessons I have learnt in 2020:

20 lessons from 2020

2020 is a year we will never forget, and we should always keep in mind the lessons we have learnt as we begin a new journey this 2021. How about you? What has 2020 taught you?

Do you have your own 20 lessons learnt in 2020 that you want to share?

If you’d like to talk about your 2020 life lessons, learn more about how to arrange Upstander Training at your business or book Jessica to deliver a compelling keynote,  please contact Jessica Hickman at 

